
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mike and the Library WIN in New Paltz


Anonymous said...

Well, you and Guy Kempe won KT. I truly hope he has the ability and commitment to do the job responsibily. I will do my best to keep an open mind, but I have my serious doubts.

Anonymous said...

One more comment, taxpayers need to hold onto their wallets!!!! The library $$$$, the middle school renovation $$$$, the new police building $$$$, the payments on the open space bond passed a few years ago $$, AND almost impossible standards to meet for new business and industry that could be paying down part of the tax bill. You think New Paltz is expensive to live in now? And you renters will be paying too, just indirectly. Yep, part of a conspiracy to drive out all the low income scum I'm sure.

Dana Flavin said...

So annonymous is suggesting that New Paltz be the only collegetown in the contry without a library to save money.Was he /she actually against the approval. Did he/she have any suggestions prior to the vote as to how we could save the library. As we all know conspiracy theories are just that,theories.If one can't see the importance of having a library in the community than one doesn't belong in the community.

Anonymous said...

Elting Memorial Library is one of the anchors of New Paltz. That is went without "official" funding for so many years is disgraceful. I'm glad that the voters chose as they did to support it finally. My wife and I were active in talking up this issue before the election with anyone who would listen. New Paltz deserves a quality library. Now we'll have one.