There has been a big buzz (pun!) about the proposed noise ordinance in the Village of New Paltz. The ordinance is unfair. This gadfly feels that it clearly represents the wants of a small portion of the community,and definetly targets college students. I understand that some people are kept up late at night by keg parties, band practices, and general silliness. I agree that Main Street is totally out of hand at times, but this proposal is far too extreme.
The new proposal requires a permit from the Village Board to attract public attention using any noise (2-5 F, 2-9 A, B). This one is pretty convenient at keeping activists on the hush. If we want to protest the noise ordinance, do we need to get a permit from the Village Board, to protest the Village Board? The proposal also specifically states the words "where keg beer is served". That is clearly pointed in the direction of young people in the community.
And has anyone done any analysis as to how this would effect business at K&E Beverage and our wonderful local wine shops? Probably not.
A noise ordinance is necessary; but not this one. A petition that has been circulating puts it as "not disagreeing with the idea of a mutual quiet time". The problem is that the proposed ordinance does not necessarily foster a "mutual quiet time". It instead targets certain age groups and activities. The Village needs to remember that we are a community, which means we all need to get along with one another. It's all about mutual respect for your fellow community members. Quoting the petition again, "The law needs to be fair and equitable for all members of the community".