Uncontested Races
Town Board: Kitty Brown and Jeff Logan
Justice: Jonathan Katz
Contested Races
Town Supervisor
Toni Hokanson 152
Josh Honig (nominated from the floor) 80
Highway Superintendent
Mike Nielson 169
Phil Johnson 77
Worthy of note: Corrinne Nyquist was set to be Caucus Chair, but Brian Kimbiz and Jon Sennett were nominated from the floor. Sennett won by an overwhelming vote.
Josh Honig? Really? And here I thought the man was set for a long recovery from surgery. I wish him all the best.
More caucus results.... we had 22 children in the cafeteria with 5 volunteer babysitters! (and Terence was one of 'em-thanks!!)
And thank you KT for making that happen, on-site childcare was a great idea and it really helped us have a record turnout last night.
Hokanson won 2 to 1, but 34.5% of Democratic caucus attendees voted Josh Honig be the next town Supervisor. Can you imagine?
Only 22 children? The whole night? It felt like 60!
Well, congratulations to Logan. I hope the Party files his papers this time.
And to Nielson, who actually took the trouble to campaign for the job. He's a likable person with old-timey roots and a nice family. He will still face a tough contest with Johnson in November.
Had someone with a conscience and a reasonable demeanor stood up and run for the supervisor's job, he or she could probably have had it. The 80 impromptu votes for Honig testify to that.
Likewise, had the Republicans found a reasonable candidate there was an opportunity to win this year. Boneheads.
The "boldest" move by the Democrats was to adjust the comfort zone in the room by finding someone new to oversee the podium. A quarter-Bravo! for that. Otherwise, BFD. The deck chairs were hardly moved.
Well I think the paperwork was filed alright....Cathy Mihm from the BOE was there and took the paperwork with her. So its done.
With regards to Hokanson/Honig--if you notice the vote for Hokanson/Nielson are pretty comparable and it seemed like if you were there for Mike you were there for Toni. Phil people seemed to be against Toni and the Josh/Phil votes are almost identical. And since Tom Nyquist seconded Josh's nomination you know that crowd of folks voted against both Mike and Toni.
A half-cheer for Nyquist, then, for helping elicit the nominal opposition on the supervisor question.
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